Engaging Family Lawyers, Mediators and Young People
The next phase of Voices in the Middle needs a new way of family lawyers, mediators and young people to co-create together.
To this end, we are putting together two new Steering Groups. Their objectives are the same – to provide guidance, input and feedback to the project at every step.
Young People’s Steering Group
We are currently creating a new Young People’s Steering Group of 15-19 year olds, that will provide on-going co-creation, feedback and input into the project. This group will be led by our trained youth workers, Richard and Ashley.
All young people who have previously been involved with Voices in the Middle (Youth Team and Youth Council) have been invited to join – watch this space!
Family Law and Mediation Steering Group
Chaired by Helen, our Family Law and Mediation Steering Group ensures the project remains connected to and receives feedback and input from the sector.