It broke me. Now I’m independent
My dad was in a band that would tour all the time so me and my sister rarely saw him, the problems started when I was 7.
My dad moved out and left my mum in debt that she's still paying off now. I just wanted to hide away and cry, and I was so angry. Fast forward to now and my mum has met someone else, the most loveliest, kindest man I've ever met and they have a beautiful 3 year old daughter together. My sister is the happier that she's ever been. My dad has a new girlfriend now. He's happy and he will never change.
I am now mother to a beautiful 4 month old boy, I have my own house and the perfect boyfriend, my childhood has affected me in ways I can't explain, it's made me strong but I don't trust people.
I'm so content with my life and I have my mum who loves me dearly and has never let me down no matter what. When my parents split up it broke me, but now I'm independent, haven't touched a drug since I was 16, don't drink, don't lie, love my son more than anything, adore my boyfriend and everything about him and I look back on it as a lesson in life, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right.
Photo: Tony Fischer. Creative Commons.